How will the surgical treatment be?
Breast cancer surgery aims to remove the primary tumor, assess axillary involvement, through the study of the sentinel lymph node and, eventually, dissection of the axillary lymph nodes, when necessary. The objective of surgery is that the resection margins are free of disease. Thus, the extent of surgery will depend on the affected region and the size of the tumor to be removed, and the volume of the breasts. Conservative surgery or quadrantectomy removes only the parts of the breast in which there is a tumor, preserving a good part of the healthy tissue, and the modified radical mastectomy surgery consists of the total removal of the breast.
When there is an indication for performing a mastectomy, which is the total removal of the breast that has the cancer, it is possible to perform breast reconstruction with implants or organic tissue (flap rotation) to preserve the aesthetics of the breast for the woman.
We preferentially try to make the treatment with a single surgery, for this, we need to use the following resources: Imaging studies, image-guided biopsy, localization techniques, intraoperative techniques, pathologist in the operating room and reconstruction techniques
breast surgery
What is the preoperative care?
Once it is defined that the patient will undergo breast surgery, it is necessary to:
- Preoperative clinical assessment (surgical risk)
- Suspend the use of drugs that alter clotting (Aspirin, Triclid, Trental, Clexane, Plavix, Xarelto etc...) 10 days before surgery
- Patients with heart prosthesis or mitral valve prolapse, with reflux, should undergo endocarditis prophylaxis (antibiotic therapy)
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol in the days before surgery
- Clean the breasts with antibacterial soap for 3 days before surgery
- Buy a post-operative bra (no seams and fasten at the front with clasps)
Post-operative bra
What is the post-operative care?
After surgery, a vacuum aspiration drain is used to prevent fluid retention and promote healing. Also consult your doctor about using creams and oils for better and faster healing, and about getting back to physical exercise. Ask if massages are welcome. Ask him to recommend a physical therapist.
What not to do in the postoperative period: force arm and forearm movements; carry weight; taking injections in the operated arm, or taking blood for tests or measuring blood pressure and receiving serum on that side. Avoid burns, insect bites, scratches and injuries on the operated arm and cut the cuticles of the fingernails on that side. Also, do not wear tight watches or bracelets or expose yourself to excessive sunlight. In the event of a scratch or wound, the area should be washed well.
Do proper arm and shoulder exercises regularly (see physiotherapist), use electric razor or scissors to remove underarm hair; use moisturizing and nourishing cream on the operated arm; wear rubber gloves in the kitchen and gardening and padded gloves when handling the oven. Use thimble when sewing.
Swimming and water aerobics are welcome.
Sorocaba Medical Center
Rua Sorocaba, 464 - room 202
Tel. 21 2537-0138 / 2539-5093
Second fourth it's Friday
Barra da Tijuca
Av. Jorge Curi, 550 - rooms 252/253
Tel. 21 3264-4866 / 3264-4863
Tuesday and Thursday